Why not join us at the shop for a sit, stitch & scrap afternoon this week. Each afternoon you are welcome to join us & forget about the heat. We will have the air conditioner on & there will be cool drinks & light refreshments. We have $16.00 a metre special on all fabrics & 30% discount on all scrap book supplies.
Have been trying to update our blogsite. Check out the new Block of the Months & keep posted for more new updates.
We are back & ready for 2014. What a great start we had to the year with a visit from the lovely ladies from the Hopetoun Patchwork Group. After a quick cuppa they took advantage of the $16.00 a meter sale we have at the moment. Thanks very much ladies for your support we look forward to your next visit. Hope the rest of your day out was a success.
Happy New Year to all our readers & customers. Check out what is happening at Quilters Harvest by reading our January Newsletter under the Newsletter heading. Looking forward to serving in 2014.